

Fitness instructors and gym gurus need music to help fuel the motivation and help the sweat pour, we know that promoting your skills on social media can be a hassle without original beats. We create original instrumental music and beats that you can lease for your fitness content and really promote your brand on any platform. From fast-paced EDM to a more rhythmic and slow beat, we can spot you.


Using the choicest analog equipment and a team with decades of musical experience, we can craft the soundtrack to your vision. Always original and unique, we compose a variety of music suited to an individual’s needs rather than mass produce cliches and uninspired beats.



Our philosophy

Motivating people to care about their fitness and health isn’t just about getting them to want better abs or to get their bodies moving with music, it’s about inspiring them. We travel the world and document its people as well as the unique places around it, creating stock photos and videos to help you inspire whomever you wish. Our photos aren’t just pretty sunrises or vast mountain landscapes, we also work with models to create stunning images that incite wellness and encourage you to break expectations.


Bringing an array of skill and expertise to Breaking Expectations, Adam is equally committed to being his highest potential. Throughout his career, he has continuously demonstrated a commitment to excellence in projects ranging from maternity and family portraits to product and event photography. A lifelong lover of traveling and not limited by speaking one language, Adam has documented his travels by photographing the world’s different cultures. His devotion to his craft is further proven with certifications in Photoshop and Lightroom, and experience with lighting and staging. It’s Adam’s dedication that has allowed Breaking Expectations to expand into social media marketing



We all face challenges in life. Some of us have family members who do not fully support our dreams. In other cases we encounter teachers and co-workers who simply don’t do their best to help us thrive. Maybe it’s life in general which is throwing potholes in your path, compromising your health, your well-being, and your ability to make it through to the next day.

Your dreams and goals might have lost their shimmer. They might seem barely attainable with everything else you are dealing with. It’s time to break expectations. And Yoga Guru Kathryn Mouttet is here to guide you along your path to what you have always wished for. Kathryn is a proponent of the Integral Hatha Yoga way of life. With over forty years of experience, Kathryn understands the challenges you face and the hurdles you see before you. She has worked with students from around the world, from a diverse set of backgrounds, cultures, races, religions, and lifestyles. She has helped them find their inner strength, nourish their spirit, and achieve the blessings which exist for us all.



We all face challenges in life. Some of us have family members who do not fully support our dreams. In other cases we encounter teachers and co-workers who simply don’t do their best to help us thrive. Maybe it’s life in general which is throwing potholes in your path, compromising your health, your well-being, and your ability to make it through to the next day.
Your dreams and goals might have lost their shimmer. They might seem barely attainable with everything else you are dealing with. It’s time to break expectations. And Yoga Guru Kathryn Mouttet is here to guide you along your path to what you have always wished for. Kathryn is a proponent of the Integral Hatha Yoga way of life. With over forty years of experience, Kathryn understands the challenges you face and the hurdles you see before you. She has worked with students from around the world, from a diverse set of backgrounds, cultures, races, religions, and lifestyles. She has helped them find their inner strength, nourish their spirit, and achieve the blessings which exist for us all.
Integral Hatha Yoga is an expansive, all-encompassing path which nurtures the body, mind, and spirit as an interconnected system. First, the body. Through Integral Hatha Yoga, you’ll learn a library of asanas, or poses, which will build strength and flexibility throughout your body. So many of the aches and pains of modern life are due to a body which needs tender loving care. Our body works best when we stand with a steady posture; when we sit at a desk without twisting at odd angles. Even sleep comes far easier when we position ourselves naturally on the bed.

Many of us have lost sight of these foundational truths. Kathryn helps us to find them again.

Coupled with learning about easing tense muscles and strengthening our core, Integral Hatha Yoga is also about learning to feel our breath. Breath is the source of all life, and yet in our modern world many of us shallow-breathe, which triggers a flight-or-fight response. By retraining ourselves to be aware of our breath and to breathe fully, we notify our body that there is space to heal. To release stress and tension. To calm.

Meditation is the second pillar of Kathryn’s teachings. Our hurry-up cellphone-driven world can barely give us time to think. Meditation puts us back in touch with our roots and lets us find focus, energy, and drive to move forward with our goals. Meditation trains the brain to glide serenely through chaos toward our chosen destination.

We learn to release judgment. To calm the jumping-monkey-mind which many of us struggle with and to find the path we have always hoped for.

Kathryn is there with you at every step of your meditative journey. She guides you through the pitfalls and encourages you when you need a supportive voice. She is your mentor as you find your more authentic you.

The third pillar as we break expectations is mindfulness. Mindfulness incorporates our body and mind together to be fully aware in each moment. We cannot impact the past – it is gone and unreachable. We cannot touch the future – it has not yet come into being. The one and only moment we can impact is this one before us now. The one in which we exist. And yet so many times we expend our energy by losing ourselves in the past or worrying about what is to come. We completely lose sight of the now which is here in our hands.

Mindfulness teaches us to be present. To draw in gratitude and understanding for the moment we have. To treasure the breath. To be aware of how our body is doing. We do not forget the past – we learn from it. We do not discount the future – we plan for it. And we do all of those things in the present. The one place where we can make a difference and guide our overall path.

Each of the three pillars is equally important in making progress toward our goals. We need a strong, healthy body which will carry us forward. We all have physical challenges of one type or another. The quest is to be the best we can be, at whatever stage we are at with our unique combination of DNA and life history. We need a calm, focused mind which will let us bring our energy and attention on the things we feel are most important. And we need the ability to be present in the now, to use these strengths in a way which best serves our goals and dreams.

Some of us face unique and unusual challenges with our bodies due to genetics, injury, or aging.Kathryn is both a certified yoga teacher and is also certified in Yoga Therapeutics. For the yoga therapy training alone, Kathryn received over 800 hours of specific instruction on anatomy, physiology, medical terminology, body kinetics, and related topics. Her expert knowledge ensures that, whatever physical issues you are grappling with, she can help you move forward and make solid progress.

Kathryn Mouttet is the guide you have been waiting for. The one who can take your hand, lift your eyes, and help you truly believe in the boundless possibilities which await you in this world.

You just need to take that first step.

Breaking Expectations is founded on the idea of being your passion and the drive to improve yourself without limitations. The name itself encompasses the motivating force behind our philosophy, empowering each unique person towards realizing what they can BE. Our team consists of individuals who value the importance of collaboration and well-being to enhance the lives of others, who share our commitment and our vision.

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West Virginia, USA

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Breaking Expectations

Personal - Adam Mouttet